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Image by Sean Musil

Kids Missings Dads Outdoors

KMD Outdoors.JPG

Website | Content Creation | SEO | Online Giving Management


It started out as an idea between friends, and is now in the implementation stages of becoming a reality for hundreds of kids throughout Missouri — and it was my absolute honor to have a hand in it!

The mission of Kids Missing Dads Outdoors is to provide resources to help replace the attention and instruction, as a Dad would have given, in exploring and embracing the great outdoors. I helped them create a website from scratch, with stock images that illustrated their mission and vision, an events and RSVP section that allowed people to easily sign-up, and then researched and attained an online giving management platform that worked for their size of organization. 


Be sure to keep tabs on this amazing organization — so many good things to come!

©2023 by Verso l’Alto

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